I cant After all this house is where I read Proust - wait I read Swanns Way before I moved here which is pretty nuts to think about - and so how can I move without reviewing the whole thing I do feel pretty traumatized after finishing this book.This endless exegesis circling the same themes with relentless exactitude is what swells this book to its famously vast proportions.Desi aparitia primului volum al romanului nu a fost apreciata de editurile franceze, care il considerau a fi un fapt literar complet lipsit de viitor, ulterior critica literara a convenit ca romanul proustian este o creatie cu aspecte autobiografice, de analiza psihologica, in maniera bergsoniana. I think what Im trying to get at is that the relevance of Prousts concerns to his time arent immediately obvious because his approach to them initially seems so weird and unfamiliar.In Search of Lost Time is about the development of the mind the experience of consciousness the influence of past events and relationships on ones emotions and behavior.One of the things that Proust says is that readers of his book would not be my readers but readers of themselves my book serving merely as a sort of magnifying glass such as the optician of Combray used to offer to a customer so that through my book I would give them the means of reading in their own selves p.I mean can I Nope. This endless exegesis circling the same themes with merciless accuracy is what makes this book swell to its famous large proportions. I cant touch down because this House is where I read Prousts reading I read Swanns Way before Ive moved here which is pretty crazy to think about and how can I move without checking the whole thing I feel pretty traumatized after I finish this live Ken.

One of the things Proust says is that the readers of his book would not be my readers but the readers of himself my book that only serves as a kind of magnifying glass as the optician of Combray offered to a client so that through my book I give them the funds they read in the G even p.

In pursuit of lost time it is about the evolution of the mind the experience of consciousness the influence of past events and relationships on ones feelings and ones own behavior. I think what I am aiming at is that the relevance of Prousts concerns to his time is not immediately apparent because his approach to them basically seems so strange and unknown.