Univers Next Pro 721 Condensed Heavy Italic.Univers Next Pro 621 Condensed Bold Italic.Univers Next Pro 521 Condensed Medium Italic.Univers Next Pro 321 Condensed Light Italic.Univers Next Pro 221 Condensed Thin Italic.Univers Next Pro 121 Condensed Ultra Light Italic.Univers Next Pro 120 Condensed Ultra Light.Univers Next Pro 931 Basic Extra Black Italic.Univers Next Pro 831 Basic Black Italic.Univers Next Pro 731 Basic Heavy Italic.Univers Next Pro 531 Basic Medium Italic.Univers Next Pro 331 Basic Light Italic.Univers Next Pro 131 Basic Ultra Light Italic.The Univers® Next includes the following font families: Linotype Univers was further extended in 2010, and renamed Univers Next to harmonize with the naming of the other type families in Linotype’s prestigious Platinum Collection. By following Frutiger’s original designs, Univers’s humanist characteristics were underlined. The existing weights were completely redrawn, making the proportions more consistent and improving fine details such as curves and thick-to-thin stroke ratios. In 1997 Adrian Frutiger and the design staff at Linotype completed the large joint project that resulted in Linotype Univers, a cohesive font family of 63 weights. As the first large type family to be conceived in a wide range of widths and weights right from its inception, with a unique systemized numbering system, Univers was truly a trailblazer. Based on a student project he drew in the late 1940s, Frutiger completed the Univers family in 1957 for Deberny and Peignot, where he was a staff designer. Univers Next is a completely reworked version of the original Univers typeface family by Adrian Frutiger.